We only grow the best organic and agriculture products in our farms


Our Introduction
Welcome to Organic Agriculture Market
AHSANI AGRICULTURE is family-owned and operated, growing high quality vegetables, produce, and pasture-raised meats, located in the mountains of Western Malaysia. We are craftsmen and cultivators of the land, creating a place we call home, and sharing our journey with others.

Our Services
What We Offers

Our Introduction
We Manage Fresh Product Strategy
For many decades, nutritionists and other health professionals have tried to get consumers to consume more fresh produce. Yet fruit and vegetable marketing can be challenging. Fortunately, the public has become more interested in nutrition, the concept of “functional foods” and home cooking. Fresh produce business owners can take advantage of these trends to educate potential customers and encourage the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Recent Work
Explore Projects

Organic Solution


Farm System


What our Customers Say
AHSANI AGRICULTURE is a very beautiful farm view. We are nestled with a view of big farm, a field of vegetables, and farm animals grazing. They offer our custom timber frame pavilion for us to hold the event. We are grateful for your coordinate, supplied us fresh vegetables and meals, and allow us to grow vegetables, we enjoy the process so much.

Waste can be cut and profits maximized at the grocery store by making hot and cold recipes whose fruits and vegetables are still fresh but nearing the end of their shelf life. These dishes are then sold from the deli, or from an in-store salad bar or hot food bar. But first I can buy the freshest and most organic vegetables directly from farm of AHSANI AGRICUTURE, which is undoubtedly the best for my health.

We are encouraging others to include organic food as part of their story to respect and appreciate food and its producers. I'm grateful for organic food from AHSANI AGRICULTURE.

I love walking along the trails on the farm. It's cool and sunny in the morning, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the scenery of the trees and flowers on both sides of the trails, which modern people cannot experience in the city.

Quote of CEO
- To pursue a challenging career in an industrial area where the opportunity to utilize knowledge for professional career development. Having some special experiences in Business line. Such as International Business Interpreneur, Exhibitor, Buyer, Presenter and Company Owner etc.
Ullah Muhammad Ahsan

Get in touch
Visit Us
Suite 33-01, 33Rd Floor, Menara Keck Seng, 203, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Email address
ahsaniagriculture@gmail.com contact@ahsaniagriculture.com
Call now
+603 2149 9265
Fax Us
+603 2116 5999
We Provide Only Quality Products